"Selling Secrets, Stolen From John Thornhill's High Ticket Course!"
"The 7 Steps To Professional Selling Webinar!"
From: Randy Smith
RE: 7 Steps To Pro Selling
Give me 45 Minutes of your time and I Will Teach You the Same 7 Steps To Professional Selling that guided my career of over 20 Years in Direct Sales, And lead me to Making My Full Time Living Selling Online for the last 16 years!
Before I tell you what's covered in this product, let me explain what the headline means.
In a nutshell: As well as having my own online business, I do some part-time consulting for other marketers. John Thornhill is one I am good friends and he pays me to help with his high ticket Partnership To Success program.
This product is actually one of the live training sessions that I did for John while he was on vacation, After watching it on his return he called me and told me how impressed he was, and that he'd again picked up some great new insights himself... and even suggested I release this to help others marketers who are new to selling. (and mention his program) lol
So here we are:
Listen Up, I really can't write a page that covers the correct angles of this product.
It applies to both Offline and Online marketers.... BUT
The problem I have with writing the copy is that this is really a product YOU NEED!
And we all know that people DON'T buy what they NEED - They Buy what they think they WANT...
And they WANT it all done for them, push-button, easy, simple etc.
Well being more professional and making more sales is easy when you know how, the challenge is getting people to invest 45 minutes or more in learning how.
I've known Randy for around 16 years now, after initially hiring him to do some copywriting for me back in 2005. We've ben friends and worked together ever since. When another friend told me he had consulted with Randy and increased his profit ratios, as well as adding very significant numbers to his turnover - I asked Randy to work with me on one of my programs. The result being my most successful program being created in late 2010. Randy's knowledge in sales & marketing helped design the program, as well as adding over 100,000 dollars in 2011 alone. That has increased year on year for the last ten years, and he continues to help, advise and is active in the program to this day. I would highly recommend investing in anything Randy puts out - And I can say, hand on heart, that watching this webinar, I personally was extremely pleased and impressed with the content he shared while I was on vacation. John Thornhill. https://JohnThornhill.com |
So cards on the table:
If you're a professional online or have ambitions to become one - then make the small investment of a few dollars, then invest the 45 minutes to watch the webinar or read the pdf.
IF you didn't get value - ask for a refund!
If however you're a marketer who is ONLY looking for Push Button Solutions and are NOT interested in expanding your skills and picking up some EXTREMELY helpful tips to improve everything you do online (and offline for that matter) - then DON'T BUY THIS! Yes, you can get a refund - but you'll waste 45 minutes of your life when you're not paying attention!
That said - Let me get straight into what's covered in this Webinar and PDF:
Step 1 - Product Knowledge:
Why this is number 1 of the 7 when many seem to do well with very little knowledge!
Step 2 - Prospecting:
Why this is a MAJOR KEY to your online marketing, And WHY you need to know more on this BEFORE you even think about writing a sales page!
Step 3 - Your Approach:
How YOU and Your Tools can have a MASSIVE IMPACT on the failure or success of your site before you even have a page written!
Step 4 - Establishing Needs:
Discovering the "Nodding Dog Syndrome" & using it to identify and establish a need for your products! - Even how to 'Sell Sand To An Arab' is covered in this section!
Step 5 - Presentation:
Not step 1 as so many assume, Discover why not, and how it fits here perfectly, As well as what you should be covering! (Also Covered - Ammunition - where it came from and how to use it!)
Step 6 - Closing The Sale:
Includes SEVEN offline techniques and how they adapt online ... Has anyone used any of these on you lately? - 'The Alternate Choice', 'The Assumptive', 'The Show House', 'The Ben Franklin' (a.k.a. The Churchill in the UK), 'The Half Nelson' (a.k.a. The Boomerang), 'Higher Authority', 'The FirstCall Discount'.
Step 7 - Consolidation (Following Through):
NO - It most definitely doesn't end at the sale... So what's next? (Cutting down 'Buyers Remorse' & Maximising profits for the long term.
BONUS MENTIONS: Remember..... Numbers & ABC’s:
C.A.P.S. - S.T.A.R. - & A.B.C. - All make a difference and need constant monitoring, tweaks and forethought.
Remember What Business You Are in:
Nope - we're not in the business of selling webinars, or pdf's, reports, ebooks, video, audio, software etc. We're not even in the Internet business or the make money online business. When you know, and I mean really know what business you're in - You will have found a key to making great leaps in YOUR business, regardless of what you think it is!
As you can see - I've actually detailed each section for you here. I'll even tell you WHY...
Because I know that the 'professional marketers' like you, who are serious about adding to their online incomes will realize
If they can add just ONE SMALL TECHNIQUE,
or gain just one more insight,
or one more idea for their own business....
Those people will know the small price and the 45 minutes invested into watching this recording or studying the pdf...
IS GOING TO Pay For Itself MANY Many Times Over!
It's already been proven by John, (and others I can't name).
If between them my advice and techniques can add Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to their business, then I know I can add hundreds or thousands to even the smallest of marketers!
And here is the GREAT PART for YOU...
Because I've already been paid by John for this info, he allowed me to, and even suggested I share this with newbies and professionals online, as cheaply as possible!
Quite honestly - we would have considered giving it freely... but, One lesson we all discovered quickly online is: people only use and study the information they place a value on!
Hence by charging even the price of a coffee or two, we know you'll study and improve your own business to far greater effect!
Therefore we are releasing this as a dimesale starting at just $8.97
You Have A 30 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee
Are you still fraught with doubts about the promised usefulness of the report? Remember you are backed with a 30 day, 100% money-back guarantee! No questions asked! I am so confident that you will benefit from the information in this report, I am willing to put my neck on the line and return your investment in full! Now how is that for a guarantee!
![]() There is no risk whatsoever, you should grab this awesome product RIGHT NOW for just a small, ONE-TIME-ONLY investment. You have a FULL 30 Days Money Back, no questions asked Guarantee! |
Please Remember this report is in high demand. Also, it is limited in supply at this crazy introductory price. Grab it now before the price goes up! Once again, all the risk is on me. If this product doesn't deliver what it should, then simply refund and I will return your investment.
It's time to take action and invest in your future...
I too have received oodles of help and support from Randy, and he really is a top bloke (I'll stop embarrassing him now though!) It just shows that you don't have to come from Lancashire to be a good guy! Lee McIntyre |
I have learned most of what I know about IM through Randy’s guidance. |
This is the type of product I prefer - not something that promises I can make $xxx in yyy hours, but a presentation full of tips that I can easily implement in my business. I was able to use one of the steps in both my offline business to get orders that I otherwise wouldn't have had. You can do the same, and this product applies to any busines whatever your niche. That by itself is worth far more than the small investment.. Thanks again, Keith www.KeithPurkiss.com |
OK - Your choice now!
You can leave the page and miss out on what could be some fantastic insights that will add a heap of zero's to your bottom line. Or you can invest the tiny fee and 45 minutes to either Watch the Webinar, or Read the PDF transcript.
Click the add to cart button now and invest in your ideas filled future. I look forward to hearing about your internet success stories. It's time to make a real impression on your business.
Do you know that many of your competitors have already begun building websites and businesses from this report? Soon they will count their profits. So, instead of pondering over the offer, check out what this amazing report has to offer today.
I thought the webinar had a load of great information especially as it is from someone with a vast knowledge of offline selling. A lot of the points you gave reminded me of when I was flogging my jewelry on market stalls around the world, even if language was a barrier it could be overcome by using a lot of the stuff you gave in the presentation. It was a great reminder to me in the "art of selling/marketing" |
Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed your "7 Steps to Professional Selling Webinar", you've successfully taken a topic that has too often been overcomplicated and broken it down into a series of simple steps that anyone should be able to follow. It can be easy to forget that many techniques for being a successful salesperson have been around for years and doing the simple things well is going to be more lucrative than following the latest and greatest-selling trends that are designed purely to dazzle people into buying from you. And I particularly enjoyed your closing where you reminded us all that people should be at the heart of our business and our approach to selling. If that's the only thing that viewers take away from what you shared it'll make a difference to the way they market Online and that can only be a good thing.
Just wanted to say thank you for your webinar '7 Steps to Professional Selling' Too many people try to make selling seem like a complicated mystery where only 'those in the know' can succeed. I'll certainly be watching the recording again to 'refresh' my own skills. |
To your success,
P.S. This report has the potential to increase your income from online websites. Take advantage now and get the results you've always wanted.
P.P.S. Don't forget, I take all the risks here with my iron clad 30 day, 100% money-back guarantee. Invest today for zero risk!